San Diego Personal Brand Photographer

How to Create a Stand-Out Personal Branding Website

  1. […] and links to your social media profiles and blog. Check out my previous blog post where I discuss how to create a website that stands out. If you don’t want to design your website yourself (as it can be very time consuming), I […]

  2. […] If you want to build your personal brand and attract new clients, they need to be able to find more information about you – both organically and via social media. Your website doesn’t need to be complex and packed with fancy graphics and features. It does, however, need to truly represent your brand, look fresh and professional, and feature all of your most important information. Don’t forget to include photos of yourself. Potential clients and brand partners want to see who they’re working with. Do some research about what makes a good website. I highly recommend Donald Miller’s Marketing Made Simple. Consider hiring someone to write your copy and help you with your website design. Check out my blog post where I discuss how to create a great personal brand website. […]

  3. […] Building your own website is a great way to show off your previous work and expertise in a polished way. If you’ve never created an online portfolio before, don’t stress! It doesn’t have to be complicated. Use your resume as a starting point and add extra details, like graphs, charts, white papers, or articles you’ve created. Keep it simple and easy to navigate and be sure to regularly update it so the information stays fresh. […]

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